
December 31, 2013

Visions of Sugarplums Danced in my Head

I've been taking a break from the online world for a while. Both intentionally and unintentionally. We went back to the prairies for a week and my parents live in a very rural area which means slooow internet and no uploading! But I don't really view that as a bad thing. I've always enjoyed the slow pace of life that my family leads. There was a lot of family time that went on, a lot of gaming, puzzling (or the hope of puzzling...), wintering, hibernating, and enjoying. I managed to remember to capture a few shots of our time together- here are a few snippets into our trip. 

This is the exact spot where we got married this summer. We hung those bottles and filled them with flowers. Now they hang filled with snow! Hard to believe it's the same spot!
And of course we had to get a little modelling in. It also happens to be the only shot I have of us this Christmas. Oops.
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