
December 17, 2013

Preparing for Christmas

I've been so busy these past few days with Christmas art markets, last minute shopping and getting ready to travel, I haven't put much thought into taking pictures of life and I definitely haven't had time to work on any artwork. So painting updates will have to wait, unfortunately. I will have an update about the holiday art market after Christmas, which didn't necessarily turn out as we all hoped...but I think we all had fun and met some great people during the day! We ate a lot of avocado chocolate cookies, drank a LOT of chai and enjoyed the beautiful voice of Bre as she sang us some tunes. Erica from Eglantine Shines captured a few shots of the day which I will happily share later. Overall it was a fun experience and I was happy to meet new friends.

Today, as I get ready to fly home, I'm starting to get excited about all that being at home brings! I was looking through some old pictures from last year at Christmas and came across these two lovelies. A Christmas feast and presents galore! Going home means relaxation for me. It's a chance to enjoy my family's company. And it means a whole lot of games like Carcassonne! But I think what I'm most looking forward to is the candlelit Christmas Eve service at church. Every year there's something so beautiful and holy when the lights are out and the candles are lit and everyone is singing Silent Night. in unison. I think it's my favourite because in the end, I could care less about presents and traditions are constantly changing, but the birth of Christ is what we are continually preparing to celebrate during advent and it's the one thing that doesn't change in all of the holiday hubbub. During that time, I'm continually filled with a peace knowing that Christ has come and will come again... it's a beautiful thing.

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