
November 27, 2013

Bottomley Cottage: An Etsy Shop

I have exciting news! I have now officially joined the realm of Etsy sellers...I have my own shop! This is something I have been dreaming of doing for a very long time and it's finally happening! And I am incredibly thrilled. I love painting and I love paper so I've combined the two in my little art shop. I've named it Bottomley Cottage as an extension of this blog and will hopefully be selling many of the pieces that I'm working on that are shown here. Right now, my featured items are a few Christmas themed cards that I think are the perfect way to send a holiday greeting (hint, hint...). So, please head on over here to take a peek at what I'm selling (soon there will also be a link on the side of the page) and I would love it if you would share it with those you know :). 
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