
September 4, 2012

August Round-up!

August has been a whirlwind month. In fact, the summer has been quite the whirlwind summer. I don't have many pictures to share from July, but since I've been slacking on the posting, I thought I'd do an August round-up post for y'all. Here's a snippet of how the last month has looked.
 At the end of July, my dear friend and her beau came out to visit. We planned a trip in the countryside with the goal being to do some horseback riding. Unfortunately, it did not work out to ride these horses as planned, but we got to pet them! They were beautiful.
 On the way home we stopped to take pictures amongst the colourful Canola field!
 I took in a little bit of "laking" in my last days on the prairie. I could not be convinced to do any tubing, though. I preferred to stick behind the lens.
 And with the completion of my job, I began my journey back to the west coast with my family accompanying me. We stopped in Kelowna (above) and the Gentleman and I were reunited once again on the beaches of BC!
 Over these past two weeks, I've been taking in the sights and sounds of Vancouver, relaxing and spending time exploring. The city is quite beautiful at night! But I know this time must come to an end...school starts tomorrow and so begins normal life again. I'm ready for the student life to be over, but I'm trying to keep my spirits up by telling myself I'm taking interesting classes. It's just hard when I'm ready to be done...

Updates on my past few days to follow soon!
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