My final project for my painting class at school was a self-directed painting representing an idea. I chose to represent the book of Proverbs and the concept of Wisdom. I'll put the statement at the bottom of the post, but I took pictures in the process of working that might give you an idea as to how a piece of work comes about for me!
“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not
forsake your mother’s teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a
chain to adorn your neck”. –Proverbs 1: 8-9
The theme of the book of Proverbs in the Bible is Wisdom.
Wisdom comes in all different forms, but often it is a concept passed down from
higher generations, both through the patriarchal and matriarchal. If Wisdom
were to take on human form, she would be both pure and direct, all-knowing yet
not all-revealing. Her gaze is intriguing and her beauty is enticing. I’ve
represented this concept in relation to this particular verse in Proverbs.
Using traditional and symbolic form, Wisdom’s gaze is directed toward the
viewer, enticing them to embrace her knowledge. I enjoy engaging the viewer in
my work through challenging or enticing concepts and this piece speaks to that
desire. As theological themes present themselves, I strive to represent them in
a way that provokes and engages the viewer’s mind asking them to reflect deeply
on the subject exhibited before them.