Yes, I did remember this week! Even with all the craziness of moving. In fact, as you read this, I will be on my way- all packed up and ready for a new adventure. Well, maybe not quite ready, but as ready as I'll ever be. It's weird to think that I'm doesn't quite feel real yet. I suppose it will start to feel real in the coming weeks. I'm sad to go, to leave the life I've known. But I am also curious as to what the year will bring. I won't say I'm excited at this point, but there is a bit of anticipation. I'm trying to stay optimistic because I can easily become a pessimist!
Ok, this week I chose Amelia Bedelia in all of her bumbling glory! We had this exact book growing up and I can't say she was my favourite character, but here and there I liked to read about her comical literal misunderstandings.

In all of her mishaps, she had a fun spirit and always seemed joyful, shrugging off any mistake she made. If any character was optimistic, she was just that (maybe I need to look to her care-free attitude in my coming adventures for support!).
In my collage of inspiration, I've tried to incorporate that fun attitude among her never-changing maid attire. Each piece has a bit of whimsy and playfulness. I'm sure if Amelia Bedelia didn't have to wear her costume, she would be dressing in all sorts of fun things. And of course, anything with flowers!

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By the way, I was having a bit of trouble coming up with characters to draw inspiration from for the coming fridays- any ideas?? Send them my way, please! I will be happy to look into using them!
I love Amelia Bedelia! Though i hope she soon learns what it means to draw the drapes. thinking of you as you travel!
Amelia Bedelia inspired outfits? Amazing!! Thanks for sharing, they are so cute.
How about the 'Frances'stories by Russell Hoban? Do you remember 'Bread and Jam for Frances' or 'Bedtime for Frances' that we used to get out of the library? I realize she doesn't wear too many clothes, but I'm thinking you'll come up with something creative!
Missing you Jen.
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