I heard so many bitter comments again this year about Valentine's Day, but again, I don't see how everyone can be so bitter when it's so much fun. I think there is much more to Valentine's Day than JUST romantic love. First of all, Valentine's Day has always been about love between friends and family for me- my parents have always made it something special for all of us to celebrate. But no love on earth can compare to the ultimate love of Christ which is the greatest love of all! We should really be celebrating His great love for us and showing our love for Him! I think that His love is my favourite gift this year and I think that through understanding His love, I can better appreciate a holiday dedicated to love- all love! Here's to love! And here is also to my father who always shows love through his actions- this year by a rose! :) How beautiful! I love roses no matter how cliche they are! They are so pretty!
So, in honour of celebrating all love, my roommate and I hosted a Valentine's Tea yesterday! Unfortunately, I only figured out later that my camera was on the wrong setting, so pictures didn't turn out too well, but they give you the main idea! I made a paper heart garland for the event...
Yummy! We also wore our tea dresses, of course in shades of pink. We decided that since Canada was playing Switzerland last night in Olympic hockey, the red and white theme could also be dedicated to them for the guys attending the party...
It turned out to be a small gathering, but a fun one. You may not think we had a party by the lack of pictures of the actual event, but I just was kind of forgetful on the picture taking end of things! I guess, it was just too fun! Happy love, everyone!!
1 comment:
Jenni:I just discovered your blog. I found your Valentine's entry extremely inspiring. I too love Valentine's Day...always have.
Your father buying you a rose was so very lovely indeed. I always knew you were a gifted and beautiful person and this affirmed it once again. You have a beautiful way with words. To be blessed with our Heavenly Father's love, our earthly father's love and friends and family is a great blessing! I love your positive spirit, keep on being who you are... I love who you are and who you are becoming! To you the 'aspiring artist'...'Life is a big canvas throw all the paint on it you can' (quote Danny Kay).... ‘Those who cherish a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in their hearts, will one day realize it.’.(quote James Allen)
God Bless you Jenni...God loves you and so do I!
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