My post title today comes with the fact that I am, at the moment, listening to the brand new Coldplay album!! Coldplay is among my favourite bands, so I am quite joyful right now! I am also quite happy to share with you the events of the past two days. This week had been a stressful week with midterms and big projects and a few of us were looking forward to Thursday night when the school week was over- we decided to celebrate with a pumpkin carving night! I hadn't done pumpkin carving in years! Here are some of the shots of the night...
The nasty pumpkin guts...ooooh spooky
I am in love with my new scarf, as you can see!
Halfway there! I chose to go the cutesy route rather than scary :)
Ta da!! The finished piece- I love it! Pumpkin of the sea.
All three carved pumpkins- On the left, an owl which I think also looks like the Cheshire cat and in the middle, Snooki Pumpkin! Jersey Shore! (p.s. I do not endorse watching that show...) As you can see we had a lot of fun with our pumpkins!
The next morning, a few of us went on a small hike which happens to be my first ever mountain hike! Coming from Saskatchewan, we don't see a lot of hills so hiking is rare. I AM out of shape, however, and should probably start exercising before we go on a longer one...But check out this magnificent view we saw when we reached the summit! It was fabulously beautiful! Especially with all of the changing colours of the leaves.
Breathtaking! When I am in the woods, my thoughts always turn to thinking we are going to see run into a bear- I am happy to report that we did not see one bit of dangerous wildlife! Only an abandoned car and a few beer bottles which don't quite seem to indicate toward natural inhabitants! What kind of hiking/nature stories do you have?