
October 13, 2010

For Emma

Heeeey. It's been a while....I know. I know. But I have been busy preparing- No, no, not thanksgiving dinner. I've been preparing for the annual craft sale season! So much to do, so little time... But if you are in this area in the near future, come stop in at the Western Development Museum October 15 (4pm-10) and October 16 (10am-4pm). I'm selling all kinds of crocheted goodies, so you really should come and see!

Also check it out- I'm a guest blogger today on No Waste Wednesdays! My post is on clothing swaps and the like. I haven't written about No Waste Wednesdays before, but it is an initiative to start living greener through a Facebook group and blog. Each month focuses on a different aspect of life in which we can change how we do things- this month focuses on clothing. If you join the group, each Wednesday a message will be sent with eco-friendly ideas along with a new blog post.

Ok that's all the updates for today...p.s. This post is not for Emma, it's what the song of my favourite youtube video is as of late:

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